12 Oktober 2010

Polish Sport Rim Presage - Part 2

Sambungan dari sini.

Step 1: Basuh dulu rim tu. Pastikan hanya kurap2 degil jer yang tinggal.

Step 2: Calitkan sikit Autosol kat jari telunjuk. Sapukan dan ratakan pada kawasan kecil rim yang berkurap tu.

Step 3: Gonyohkan autosol tu pada permukaan rim tu sampai permukaan tu jadi licin. Akan rasa memula tu kesat dan sedikit berpasir.... bila dah gonyoh lelama akan jadi licin & autosol tu bertukar dari warna cerah jadi kotor, kengkadang sampai hitam.

Step 4: Pastu amik kain bersih, lapkan autosol tu sampai bersih.
Step 5: Ulangi mender yang sama utk spot2 yang lain plak sampai satu rim berjaya dipolish. Lepas satu rim, kena plak polish rim2 yang lain plak sampai semua 1set rim berjaya dipolish.... huhuhu




2 ulasan:

  1. Hi Atai ,

    I'm very proud of what you do 7 your hard work & dedication towards your car.
    What you do is a must to all the people who got cars with expensive sport rims.
    We must always remember "Perfect condition come from a perfect maintenance".

    Keep it up & thumbs up for you.


  2. err..... my rim is not expensive... i got it 2nd hand via auction, at around RM2K only.....The brand is not that super famous, thus the value is not that great......

    anyway, thanks for d compliment.....



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