After all the modification (even though theres plenty more can be done) how i wish my 16VTe (my N16's mushy name) could have reliable smoother engine running, during idling or acceleration and have better fuel efficiency.
I receive d invitation letter from Castrol telling me that i'm qualify for the 3rd round of Castrol EDGE Experience Nurburgring on 25 Jan 2011 via email. I'm very excited. Cant believe the slogan with my usually-broken-english skill, manage to attract the judge and get selected. Thanks Mr. Judge! Hope can do the same to me for this coming 4th round qualifying... Huhuhu.

After quite a tight schedule, finally i managed to squeeze my time to visit Castrol Auto Service (CAS) at Bukit Jalil on 29 Jan 2011. Even though, i'm not quite fimiliar with Bukit Jalil, i manage to be there with some help from GPS of my Chokia henpon. As expected there are quite a queue on Saturday. People at CAS recommend me to go somewhere else while waiting for my turn. They will call me when the turns come. So i take the opportunity to fill up the dried up petrol at my preferred petrol station nearby. Its gimme clear benchmark of measuring the fuel consumption before and after the oil change.
When the time come i get a phone call..... well... here goes nothing (see how excited & overwhelm with all these)..... ahaksss.....For the oil, Castrol already pre-determine the viscosity which is 5W/40. The market price for this oil is RM210/pack of 4 litres. Overall they have done a good job. In Term of workmanship, everything is in order, neat tidy. Just like the workshop look like.
They also do some basic check up the essential things on my N16, such as brake, lamp, light, water, liquid, oil etc. Overall i'm very satisfied with their service. Their workers / mechanics are friendly and accommodate to answer my beginners question regarding engine oil. Surely will have to revisit CAS for future service.
After all the checking and they give me thumbs up, then i'm confident for my long journey back to kampung the next few days with my N16 for CNY break. Hopefully the long trip will ends the run in process and i can straight do the fine tuning. Can't wait for the reborn of 16VTe, to gain freedom of accelerate and trashing my beloved N16 yet still gain more mileage while doing it. Furthermore the ability and strength of Castrol EDGE help giving me the confident i need.
*huhuhuhu....ok tak inggeris aku...? psal review ni diorang judge utk masuk pusingan ke 4 kena dalam english.... huhuhuh tapi banyak lagi nak tulis nih.... tak sempat masa jerr......
*Saja edit gambar jadi camtu, nak bagi nampak effect comic...... komik sangat ker?
*Saja edit gambar jadi camtu, nak bagi nampak effect comic...... komik sangat ker?
smart....tahniah la tak dpt pon... :(
BalasPadambest ke pkai myk free??
mekasih..... Alhamdulillah.... rezeki keta sentra tu....huhuhuh
BalasPadamhuish... mesti la best minyak free.... RM210 tuuu......
errr..... mu masuk takat mana? ada hantar slogan tak?