a. Engine Stability / Smoothness Improvement
b. Fuel Efficiency Improvement
c. Engine Performance Improvement
Now……. I can just say that all the above aspects has improved. But that would be so predictable, isn’t it? After some thoughts, I concluded that I have to look for something that can be measured or viewed to make it believable and as a proof.
For engine stability and smoothness, I chose to use water in a goblet as a tool to compare it. Here I present you the very low quality video (hehehe...) as a comparison between my engine before & after using the Castrol EDGE with regards to the engine smoothness / stability during morning warm up. To see direct comparison, please view the video concurrently. For the 1st video (before Castrol EDGE), watch it from 1:08. While the 2nd video (after Castrol EDGE), watch it from 0:35.
But before that, I would like to warn all of you, that my engine has a really nasty & rough sound from the shim inside. The engine sounded like a diesel engine. Ahakssss……My car mechanics insisted that the engine oil won’t improve that sound and they need to take off the rocker cover and adjust the shim clearance to make it quieter. Ahhh..... I see...... And please ignore the boring & bad narration…. Really embarrassing when I listen them back….. ahaksss….
1st video, before Castrol EDGE morning engine warm up.
2nd video, after Castrol EDGE morning engine warm up.
The 2nd video was captured the next day after Castrol EDGE oil change. But that morning, it was rain heavily and therefore quite noisy from the falling rain and dark too.
Continue here……3rd video……
As you can see, in the 1st video (before the Castrol EDGE), at first I have trouble to put the goblet on the engine. The goblet keeps on shaking badly and slides to the side. After a while, it become more stable. While in the 2nd video (after the Castrol EDGE), the goblet stays the second I put on the engine. But after a while, the goblet starts to slide to the side and shaky. This may be due to the engine has warmed up and the idling timing getting lower, thus enhanced the vibration. In terms of the water inside the goblet, both are shaked about the same rate, not much difference. The 3rd video (after the Castrol EDGE) shows that the engine getting stable few seconds after the 2nd video.
In conclusion, I can say that Castrol EDGE gives the engine smoother idling during warm up. Not much, but its there….. proven by the video above. During driving, I also experience improvement in term of engine smoothness during cruising and acceleration. In term of the engine sound, i didn't felt any noticeable different. But its ok for me since with those kind of engine set up, its "normal" to have some noise..... ;p~
Will continue the review for the performance & fuel efficiency later……
* fuhhh... penat nak karang english nih.... huhuhuh
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